Monday 10 August, 2009


This Life has taken many turns and twists in this 20 odd years. An unemployeable lukkha after doing his MBA has become an unemployed lukkha. Thanks to Uncle Sam and My dear recession. I tried a lot to shed this lukkha image and become something useful for the society so in the end i have become a muncipal corporation's dustbin. Just like all of the young generation I am also a dustbin.
A dustbin where society dumps its rituals, where family dumps their aspiration, where bank dumps there education loans, where colleges dump there filthy money minting tecniques and the dustbin where dream, my own dream, are getting dumped.
I might sound like a bit complaing today but there is frustration dude. Frustation of not getting a job . Frustration of not getting a steady relationship. Frustration because I want to do many things but i am not able to do them.
So why am i writing all this crap in my LUKKHA blog???

May be I am frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!

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